> > Why spamcop and not spews?
> My question is why a dnsbl that the *maintainer* of which says should not
> be used for production mail systems?

Because it's a targetted dynamic solution for a dynamic problem and I
believe it has a chance at working?

That was kinda my point. We need to stop this pushing and shoving back and
forth and find solutions that work and don't depend on bending every ISP on
the planet to conformity because that's never going to happen. The forcing
approach reminds me of copy protection, lets force everyone to be good.
Guess what, it's a big network and it's getting bigger and you'll never get
everyone to conform. So I suggest we take a different road whether that be
dynamic blocking as soon as a spamming starts or heuristic filters or
whatever else we can come up with that works.

Note, I'm not saying don't use spews, just realize it's a copy protection
type of approach and will be of limited success for the same reasons.


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