Anyone else receiving huge as-path (more than 125) causing these:

Jul  3 08:23:06 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 268
Jul  3 08:23:46 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 270
Jul  3 08:27:45 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 274
Jul  3 08:31:59 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 268
Jul  3 08:41:02 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 268
Jul  3 08:41:43 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 270
Jul  3 08:57:56 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 268
Jul  3 09:04:04 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 268
Jul  3 09:10:01 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 268
Jul  3 09:10:52 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 270
Jul  3 09:17:40 MDT: %BGP-3-INSUFCHUNKS: Insufficient chunk pools for
aspath, requested size 268

(per )

It started just after local Qwest routes apparently recovered from some kind
of nose-dive. We're still sorting through the tables trying to find out who,
thus far longest I've found is about 20.


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