On 7/24/02 11:31 AM, "Adam Rothschild" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2002-07-24-14:10:00, James Thomason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If this legislation is passed, they certainly will earn Null0 on
>> mine.
> Unless, of course, the RIAA, MPAA, and friends carry out their
> cracking through throw-away dial and DSL accounts, like they
> purportedly use now to troll for copyright offenders, and send
> automated nasty-grams to their upstream providers.
> Carrying out their cracking from a uniform netblock or AS, which we
> could all identify and filter, would be too easy.  They're flagrant,
> but they're not stupid.

The Business Software Alliance appears to be using this technique to flush
out people distributing their Members' software via Gnutella and others.  I
have received the obligatory nasty-gram advising me as the "owner" of an IP
(not taking into account the IP has been allocated and then assigned to
consecutive downstream providers) that I could be held liable for the
actions of this particular user.


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