At 10:56 AM -0400 2002/07/27, Andy Dills wrote:

>>  Are you suggesting that either of those (which don't violate any
>>  RFCs) options are better than de-aggregating my /20?
>  The best solution is just as everybody here has suggested.  Use the same
>  provider for transit at both locations, announce your /20 normally, and
>  your more specifics with no-export.

        I'm probably demonstrating my ignorance here (and my stupidity in 
stepping into a long-standing highly charged argument), but I'm 
completely missing something.  For reasons of redundancy & 
reliability, even if you were to buy bandwidth in only one location, 
wouldn't you want to buy it from at least two different providers?

        If you buy bandwidth from two different providers at two 
different locations, this would seem to me to be a good way to 
provide backup in case on provider or one location goes 
Tango-Uniform, and you could always backhaul the bandwidth for the 
site/provider that is down.

        So, what am I missing?

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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