At 4:04 PM -0400 2002/07/27, Paul Schultz wrote:

>  If you connect to the same transit(s) in both cities you can announce more
>  specific networks with no-export set, keep most of your external traffic
>  off your own network, and not cause the entire world to know about your
>  more specific advertisements.

        Right, but he's already explained that he is unable to connect to 
the same two providers in both cities, because one of them doesn't 
have a presence in both cities.

>  Responsible yet lacking some redundancy: connect to the same single
>  provider in both locations and announce more specific networks w/
>  no-export.

        That doesn't help if that one provider goes Tango-Uniform.

>  Irresponsible yet gaining redundancy:  connect to a different provider
>  in each region and announce more specifics.  no-export not an option,
>  longer prefixes heard globally.

        Can we gain redundancy by connecting to a different provider in 
each city, but still find a way to be responsible?

>  Responsible and overall best: connect to the same 2+ providers in both
>  locations and announce more specifics locally in each region/city/whatever
>  with no-export.

        As said above, this isn't possible.  I'd like to learn what could 
be done in this kind of situation that would allow the desired 
redundancy, while also being responsible.

        I'm not a manager of a large network (where I might have this 
kind of problem myself), nor am I employed at a large ISP (where my 
customers might have this kind of problem).  But I would like to 

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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