Don't forget general kookery where you make a customer mad, a
usenet poster, or some other irrational personality and they
contact your employer to detail everything they know about
you like posting to rec.cannabis, soc.motss, etc. It's
interferring in a business relationship, but most of 'em
don't care.

I'm all for anonymity -- even here.

On Fri, 9 Aug 2002, Joel Baker wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 08:22:58AM -0500, Chris Adams wrote:
> >
> > Once upon a time, JC Dill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > > On 02:42 PM 8/8/02, Scott Granados wrote:
> > >  >
> > >  >Do people really almost get fired for what they write here?
> > >
> > > Sometimes, it's not "almost".  Just 3 months ago:
> > >
> > > <>
> >
> > Which was followed up with:
> >
> > <>
> >
> > and I don't see any further discussion on that particular topic (I'll
> > make the same disclaimer as the sender of the second message: I don't
> > know one way or the other what might have happened or not happened or
> > which sender is correct).  Any other references to this kind of thing
> > happening?
> As the sender of the second message - it was a caution that people
> should investigate, not a statement that it didn't happen.
> All of the evidence I could gather indicate that it did, in fact, happen
> in at least some form. At the very least, other employees (whom I have
> know for years) said that he was gone, as of the date in question. They
> were not told the cause (as would be expected in most companies).
> Granted, believeing this means you'd have to trust *my* legwork. Or do
> your own. However, the 'almost' case certainly can't be argued. Just
> check the archives for the number of folks who've posted at the end of
> some thread about being 'asked to stop'.
> --
> ***************************************************************************
> Joel Baker                           System Administrator -

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