At 4:25 PM -0400 2002/08/21, Jared Mauch wrote:

>       Lets say AOL, hotmail, yahoo all today had a way they
>  could say "we would like to cooperate in validating source addresses
>  as at least somewhat more valid than today" and had a mechanisim to
>  do this with a patch to sendmail/qmail/postfix/zmailer.

        Doesn't help.  AOL uses a proprietary MTA that they have 
developed in-house, which would need to be modified.  Of course, 
you'd also need to modify all the other standard MTAs, too.  And 
don't forget about all those Microsoft and Lotus Notes gateways out 

>       You could also then start keeping statistics and rate-limit
>  the callback mechanisim.  AOL (and i'm sure others) have done "so,
>  you want to bulk-mail aol users, sign here".  Including this
>  ability to increase customer satisfaction is in all ISPS
>  interest today.

        AOL uses all sorts of mechanisms to try to detect and eliminate 
spam, but I wouldn't want to go into too much detail here.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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