Yo Robert!

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Robert Blayzor wrote:

> >     Sure they can.  For sending e-mail, all you need is an IP
> > address.  It would help if the reverse DNS is set up correctly, and
> > that you claim this same name in the SMTP dialog, but this isn't
> > required.
> Yes, I know they can today.  My point is that with a registrar based
> system, they cannot, because they cannot be registered as valid mail
> servers.

I have complained about every spam I have received in the last ten
years.  Part of my job as abuse coordinator. I get 50+ spams a day
that is 50 complaints a day.  I have also called registrars on the
phone to complain.  None of them has ever done a thing about spammer.
Most, if they answer, will send you a form letter saying there is no
way they will intervene.

They do not want to get in the middle and no-one can put them

> Correct, but MX's (mail servers) have static assignments, unless you
> change DNS every time.  Running MX's on dynamic IP's to receive mail
> would be quite silly.

Why is it silly?  I know lots of folks on cable modems that do this.
It is not silly when it works and is your only choice.

It is not silly for the spammers when it allows them to dodge anti-spam
hacks and make more money.

I hearby proclaim all spammers to be like nazi propagandists and invoke
godwins law to terminate this thread.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 20340 Empire Blvd, Suite E-3, Bend, OR 97701
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel:+1(541)382-8588 Fax: +1(541)382-8676

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