On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 00:41:09 +0200 (CEST)
 Iljitsch van Beijnum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Brad Knowles wrote:
> > >      Brad>        No,  the traffic  budget is  on upstream  traffic, not
> > >      Brad> downstream. Stream  content all you  want, but don't  try to
> > >      Brad> generate too much upstream traffic or you get your bandwidth
> > >      Brad> severely curtailed.
> [The whole thing about port 80 upstream bandwidth limitations getting in
> the way of streaming audio/video sounds like nonsense to me, since this
> usually doesn't go _to_ TCP port 80, even flowing _from_ TCP port 80 is
> something I haven't seen this century.]
> > >  good consumer... don't try to talk. just watch the propaganda...
> >     Yeah, well.  For Internet cafe's, this is probably a fairly
> > reasonable assumption.
> Ok, suppose someone can touch type. The world record is something like 600
> key presses per minute, which is 10 41-byte TCP packets per second ~= 4
> kbps.

When I go to Internet cafe's (I like Global Gossip), I connect my Ti-book
to the local ethernet if at all possible (that's why I like Global Gossip) and
use high bit rates (i.e., file transfers) in both direction.

If I was limited to 4 kbps outbound, I would want my money back.

Just one customer viewpoint :)

Marshall Eubanks

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