wow, I hate spam/anti-spam conversations, BUT:

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Al Rowland wrote:

> Okay, I'm going to break my promise,
> Can anyone document more than one isolated instance, if that, of
> spammers using North American Cyber Cafes? (This is NANOG)
> If so, wouldn't appropriate AUP with appropriate fines to the CC the
> user used for access be a more appropriate sniper rifle shot rather than
> just shot gunning all your users?

The problem most likely is that the complaints roll down days after said
user spammed :( We see fallout from dial spammers normally hours after
they start spamming. So, unless they have CC#->UserName->Time->ip all
recorded at the cafe they aren't going to be able to 'fine' anyone :(

I am NOT a proponent of a technical solution for spam because its just a
escalating war of technology, but in this case perhaps there are some
measures Hank can suggest to his customers to help solve this issue, or
curb the abuse. Perhaps even a technical solution he can sell/manage for
his customer and make some more money for his business? Managed Security
Services, what a thought! :)

> As far as 'loading' spam software, any Cyber Café that has the cpu out
> where Joe User has access and/or hasn't set appropriate user rights
> preventing software installation or system access, won't be in business
> very long anyway.

Stupidity never stopped people from running a business :(

> Best regards,
> _________________________
> Alan Rowland
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> Iljitsch van Beijnum
> Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 4:49 PM
> To: Marshall Eubanks
> Subject: Re: How do you stop outgoing spam?
> On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
> > > Ok, suppose someone can touch type. The world record is something
> > > like 600 key presses per minute, which is 10 41-byte TCP packets per
> > > second ~= 4 kbps.
> > When I go to Internet cafe's (I like Global Gossip), I connect my
> > Ti-book to the local ethernet if at all possible (that's why I like
> > Global Gossip) and use high bit rates (i.e., file transfers) in both
> > direction.
> Would the uploads be HTTP? That's the only thing I'd want to limit to a
> few kbps. (Well, and outgoing SMTP to 0 kbps.)
> > If I was limited to 4 kbps outbound, I would want my money back.
> > Just one customer viewpoint :)
> Understandable. On the other hand, spammers using internet cafes isn't
> good either.

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