On September 10, 2002 at 10:16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Crocker) wrote:
 > At 08:20 PM 9/9/2002 +0000, Paul Vixie wrote:
 > >outbound SMTP should be blocked for any dynamic or dialup source within
 > One of the basic problems with discussions about spam control is that it 
 > focuses entirely on spam.  Blocking output SMTP from individual dial-ups 
 > has a serious negative consequence:

Yeah, well, too late, that battle was fought and settled years
ago. The spammers are driving the standards at this point, not
reasonable people trying to make things work.

Ultimately that's one of my big problems with spammers, they're like
termites in the RFCs quietly chewing away at both the letter and

At this point your easy-to-agree-with point is kinda like saying

  "I pay taxes, I damned well ought to be able to walk any street in any
   city at any time of the day or night and be safe!"

nice sentiment, but unfortunately no longer realistic, not where the
criminals are in charge.

        -Barry Shein

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