PV> Date: 14 Nov 2002 05:14:30 +0000
PV> From: Paul Vixie

[ re number of US exchange points ]

DD> Right now seems domestically 6 may be all we need.

PV> I'm putting the number closer to 40 (the "NFL cities") right
PV> now, and 150 by the end of the decade, and ultimately any
PV> "metro" with population greater than 50K in a 100 sq Km area
PV> will need a neutral exchange point (even if it's 1500 sqft in
PV> the bottom of a bank building.)

Are we discussing:

1) locations primarily for peering between large carriers, or
2) carrier hotels including virtually all providers, where cheap
   faste/gige peering runs are easily justified?

If #1, I agree with David.  In the case of the latter, I think I
see what Paul is saying.  IMESHO, local/longhaul price imbalance
and the growth of distributed hosting {would|will} help fuel the
smaller exchanges.

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