Wired covered several of these topics in their August issue.


The article points out several subtle, yet fundamental,
changes that happen socially and psychologically once the
broadband network is available everywhere, to virtually
everyone, all the time.  We have yet to experience this in
the US. I suspect that when it happens, it will be much
different than we expect it to be, technically and

We still have to remember that for all the hype about the
Internet, the killer app is still email and instant
messenging. The "killer apps" on Internet2 (video
conferencing, digital libraries, media-rich collaboration),
which give some indication of what the future killer app
will be, seem to be equally mundane (but exciting at the
same time).


On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 10:22:09 -0500  David Diaz wrote:
> > 2) There is a lack of a killer app requiring peering every 100 sq Km. 
>       I recommend some quality time with journals covering South
> Korea, broadband, online gaming and video rental. 

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