-- On Thursday, November 14, 2002 12:11 PM -0500
-- Jim Deleskie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> supposedly wrote:

Its my understanding that since Akamai is based on DNS resolves if you
where to use the method of blocking it within the DNS system it would
make no difference. Although I'm no Akamai expert.
The issue is really not Akamai or Digital Island or any other service someone might buy. The end user is completely unaware of the machinations behind the scene, they are just going to type "www.terrorist.com" into their browser.

If "terroris.com" is a Bad Domain and ISPs refuse to resolve anything in that domain, then nothing else can happen. The first step is the end user's machine going to the ISP's name server asking for the IP address of "www.terrorist.com". It does not matter if that hostname is CNAME'd to another company / host / whatever, the resolution will stop immediately and the user will be unable to see the web page.

Or they can just use a publicly available web proxy, in which case it will not matter if the domain is Akamaized or not. =)


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