-- On Friday, November 15, 2002 12:45 AM +0100
-- hostmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> supposedly wrote:

At 05:28 PM 11/14/2002, Patrick W. Gilmore most definitely admitted:

Suppose they just make it a law that each ISP has to block "domain.com"
in their caching name servers?
Who is 'they', Patrick ? Suppose Spain introduces that law. Fine, but
that doesn't mean that other countries have to (or will ever) abide by
that. Certainly in the U.S. you won't find that many who would support
even the idea.
This thread was started 'cause the Spanish (?) government wanted to do blocking. So it would stop all the people in Spain. And I seriously doubt they care what the US government or its citizens do outside of Spain.

IOW: You are right, but that's not the point of this thread.

Sure, the user could telnet somewhere and find the IP address themselves,
but it would stop 99.99% of the lusers out there.
Thousands of non-Spanish dns servers (not under the Spanish restriction)
would have cached the propagated terror.com url from Akamai. Any Spanish
user really wanting to see terror.com will get it.  To make it a more
permanent experience the Spanish conquistador should install his own
winooz 95 dns service (I believe it's free), and peg it to a secondary
dns outside his beautiful country.
1) I submit over 99% of users would not even know what "dns service" is, more or less how to install it, or even that they CAN install it.

2) It is trivial to filter all port 53 and/or redirect all name service queries in your network to your name server.

3) We are discussing the government making a law about Internet technology. I am impressed they even know what a domain name is, and not surprised at all that their suggested "fix" is full holes.

IOW: You are right again, but that's still not the point of this thread. =)

Bert Fortrie

P.S. This is NANOG, please use ASCII with "quote characters" (e.g. ">") to distinguish your text from other's. Reading your e-mails is a bit confusing. (At least you use Eudora and not Outlook, but still....)

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