On Thu, 28 Nov 2002, Gordon Cook wrote:
> In 99 and 2000 there was an internet cafe in Namche.   It depended
> for connection to the outside world on a microwave link on towers
> between Lukla and Jiri.  In January 2001 the Maoists blew up the
> repeater towers leaving namche and the everest region without
> internet and telecom of any kind.
> For all of 2001  and most of 2002 Tsering went back and forth between
> namche and kathmandu, picking the brains of the ISPs and trying to
> reestablish internet and bring local phone services to the  the towns
> of the Solu Khumbu.   Finally with VSat and radio telephones and a
> PBX and copper wire, he brought up a small asset based
> telecom/internet system in the solu khumbu on october 19, 2002.  he
> doesn't have a web site up yet.  But by the Sanog meeting he should
> have an excellent site up.  I spent several hours with him every day
> from november 3 through november 7th.  His plans are fascinating and
> testimony to both his creativeness and that of the Nepali ISPs who
> are helping him.  i intend to assist him in a number of ways as well.
> If he does all he is setting out to do, he will put a floor of
> economic and political stability underneath the everest region.  That
> region will be connected to the rest of the world as never before and
> there will be a web based repository  of the region's history and
> culture and detailed information on all treking and climbing
> activities.  I am much inspired by what i have seen and heard.
This story is a reminder to us all, to contribute (or talk our employers
into contributing) time, money, personnel, or expertise to Geek Corps
(www.geekcorps.org).  Bring the internet to a third world country, and you
greatly improve that country's economic outlook, and with that comes
political and economic stability -- and another market for your company's


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