On Thu, 28 Nov 2002, Bill Woodcock wrote:

> For everybody else, yes, I know I'm being grouchy.I just find this kind
> of behavior incredibly offensive; this kind of reality-defying jingoism is
> one of the most embarassing things about being identified as an American
> while travelling.Happy Thanksgiving.

 Just to add on what Bill said, I've been to Nepal for a month, I think
it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen so far anywhere in the world
(and yet so much remains to be seen). Also, the people there are nice,
helpful, peaceful (yes, I know they have inner turmoil right now) and the
whole mentality is way different than any of us have been brought up upon.

 Even if it weren't for SANOG, it is a place well worth visiting, IMHO. I
may be way off, but the way I see it, there is so much to see in this
world, and such a short life, why not use it...

enjoy SANOG,


>                             -Bill

Ariel Biener
PGP(6.5.8) public key http://www.tau.ac.il/~ariel/pgp.html

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