On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Scott Weeks wrote:
> BTW folks are interested, but there is little data coming in to share.
> As time goes on, I hope folks that show unusual traffic levels (on both
> sides; eyeball networks and content networks as well as transit networks)
> will send pointers to me that I can share with others.  I am very
> interested in flash crowd situations and how to mitigate the problems
> associated with them...

Historically providers have been reluctant to provide that level of
detail concerning traffic levels.  A few providers, generally smaller
ones, do make MRTG graphs available.  Once in a while a provider will
announce they had X Peta/Terrabytes of traffic for some time period.
But most prefer measurements which can not be correlated with revenue
(e.g. packet drops, latency, jitter, availability, etc).

I didn't see any noticable change on Abovenet/MFN's public MRTG graphs
at MAE-West/MIX-West.  Keynote/Matrix public data show no visible changes
of the web sites they measure.  They may have some private data which
shows more details.

Of course, NASA is a US federal agency, so you can always try the Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA).  But they have other things to do today.

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