From: "Sean Donelan"

> Historically providers have been reluctant to provide that level of
> detail concerning traffic levels.  A few providers, generally smaller
> ones, do make MRTG graphs available.  Once in a while a provider will
> announce they had X Peta/Terrabytes of traffic for some time period.
> But most prefer measurements which can not be correlated with revenue
> (e.g. packet drops, latency, jitter, availability, etc).
You mean a lot like when IE 5 first came out? As a result, I got the
priviledge of shutting one of my providers off. :)  It's sad when a 3Mb pipe
is prefered over a 12Mb pipe; even sadder when it's actually faster. Glad I
learned my lessons before I really learned the meaning of bandwidth. :)


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