On 10 Mar 2003, Jeff S Wheeler wrote:

> I repeat my suggestion that a number of DNS root-servers or gtld-servers
> be renumbered into 69/8 space.  If the DNS "breaks" for these neglected
> networks, I suspect they will quickly get enough clue to fix their ACLs.

Moving a number of them won't do anything.  Broken networks would just use
the ones they can reach.  Moving the root-servers isn't a good option
anyway since lots of Bind setups are distributed with a . hints file
containing A records for the root-servers, and these hints files are 
updated probably less frequently than bogon filters.

Since the root-servers have been reduced to refering queries to the
gtld-servers and nstld servers and perhaps others, these latter servers
would be the ones to move that would cause no pain for networks that work,
and immediate notification and motivation to fix filters for networks with 
outdated filters.

I don't suppose there's even a slim chance of this happening?

 Jon Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  I route
 System Administrator        |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |  
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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