On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, E.B. Dreger wrote:

> The suggestion is to move ALL root, and as many TLD as possible,
> servers into the new space.  Nobody has said "move one or two",
> which indeed would be ineffective.

Ah, sorry, I wasn't aware of the full extent of your crack-smoking-ness.
:) You'll never get all of the root server operators to agree on this (or
much of anything), so that leaves the root out (even if this were a good
idea, which it isn't). Since for sufficiently useful definitions of "all,"
all of the TLD's are commercial entities, you'll never get them to
volunteer to break their own domains, and their customers would riot if
they did.

Suffice it to say, this idea is never going to happen, although if it
takes energy away from the "ldap is the solution to all problems" thread,
feel free to keep discussing it.



    If it's moving, encrypt it. If it's not moving, encrypt
        it till it moves, then encrypt it some more.

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