On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Michael Whisenant wrote:

> First I appreciate your message that you sent to us at NASA late Friday
> regarding a new address block that you received from ARIN. In that message
> you suggest that the issue was a BOGON route filter that had not been
> updated. Then without allowing sufficient time to respond to your message
> (you sent it to an administrative account and not the NOC) you decided to
> flame NASA.

My mention of NASA wasn't meant at all as a flame.  It was just an example
that not all the networks with outdated filters are remote nets in far
away countries that my customers wouldn't care about.  A few I've
found are.  I had to look up the country code to find that .al is Albania.  

I had actually planned to mention at some point that NASA was the first
(only so far) network to respond to the few messages I sent out late last
friday, and that their reported network has already been fixed.  I can
only assume that none of the previous 94 allocation holders of 69/8 space
noticed or complained to the right people.

> If you feel that you have any issue reaching a NASA resource then you can
> send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and/or the tech/org/noc POC on any
> address space. NISN is NASA's ISP and as such announce via AS297 that
> address space.

As for sending the message to the wrong addresses, I can only suggest 
updating your ARIN info.  I sent the message to all the POCs (except the 
abuse one) for the relevant NetRange.  This is what I'll be doing when I 
send out the automated messages.  The ones sent friday were done by hand.

Can you elaborate on how a firewall config was the problem?  If whatever
was done there is commonly done, it may be worth revising my form message
before I send out a large number of them.

 Jon Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  I route
 System Administrator        |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |  
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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