On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Todd A. Blank wrote:
> I continue to agree that moving critical resources (see below) to these
> new blocks is the best approach I have seen or heard in the months since
> I made the original post.  This approach punishes the clueless instead
> of the people that already know what the problem is (and have to live
> with it every day)

After this thing is sorted out I guess we can move the
"critical resources" over to to track down all the idiots
blocking that range (trying to decide if I should put a smilie here).

I nominate the arin.net nameservers.

Could someone publish a name of a valid resource (or even pingable ip) in
69/8 space? This would allow people to test their (and their upsteams)
filters quickly while we wait for the list to come out.

Simon Lyall.                |  Newsmaster  | Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Network/System Admin |  Postmaster  | Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ihug Ltd, Auckland, NZ      | Asst Doorman | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz

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