Hi Irwin,

On Tue, 10 June 2003 08:39:48 -0600, Irwin Lazar wrote:
> Excuse the off-topic question, but does anyone know if
> there is some sort of list anywhere of service providers
> who are running IPv6 in a production capacity, either to
> tunnel IPv4 or to offer native IPv6 services?  I'm not
> looking for test or research networks but rather a list of
> IPv6 networks that are actually carrying customer traffic.

funny you're asking today. Some hours ago I was browsing
www.sinet.ad.jp and while I did not understand a word but
the English! button there was a text saying I was accessing
that page with IPv6, and it just worked and v6 was in no way
slower at all than IPv4 when I actually compared these. It's
nice that it's just working fine your applications are ready
for it.

That being said, the network I work with has IPv6 customers
(natively) and is actually doing transit for some other
networks in Europe and also in the US to help IPv6 to spread
quicker. It's native IPv6 on all core nodes at the moment
and we only have local tunnels in Europe where nothing else
would work. Cool thing is 90% of all European exchanges are
already offering IPv6 services, and in the US of course
Equinix does IPv6 as of late, as does Telehouse and PAIX. So
it is easy to get started with IPv6 if you are at one of
these exchanges.

I'm happy enough more and more IPv6 network get the hang of
not simply (re-) announcing the full table but only their
own routes, asking their upstream provider to do IPv6
upstream for them. I may not want to receive the full table
in Europe by someone who has tunnels on a router where I am
native to the US.


PS: AS-TISCALI-V6PEERS in RIPE, if anyone cares, or
route-server.ip6.tiscali.net ;-)

Alexander Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / ako4-ripe
IP Engineering, Tiscali International Network
Robert-Bosch-Strasse 32, D-63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone +49 6103 916 480, Fax +49 6103 916 464

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