On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, E.B. Dreger wrote:
> PH> One word; multihoming.
> How many billion different interdomain routing policies do we
> really need?

Just 1 is enough to cause trouble.  Given strict provider-based addressing,
multihoming leads to rather nasty interactions between host-based selection
of (source address, destination address) & things like the following:
   o  routing policy
   o  anti-spoofing... filtering
   o  quality of service
The IETF drafts I've read have not yet offered what I consider viable
solutions to those issues.

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 319-335-5555, fax: 319-335-2951

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