On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Gerald wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Jason Greenberg wrote:
> >
> > Can I have some suggestions on how to load balance servers that are on
> > seperate IP blocks?  Is there any way to perform translation at this
> > level?  Exclude DNS based balancing please...
> vrrp on FreeBSD is supposed to be a free solution to allow machines to
> watch each other and take over IP addressing if connectivity is lost.
> Depending on how remote your IP blocks are and how much control you have
> over the routing equipment in between, your only choice may be a
> commercial solution.

Don't forget pen, which runs on FreeBSD (and even NT according to the


It's not for the enterprise, but does provide simple load-balancing for
people who can't afford a proper switch.


Andy Dills
Xecunet, Inc.

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