On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Jason Greenberg wrote:

> Can I have some suggestions on how to load balance servers that are on
> seperate IP blocks?  Is there any way to perform translation at this
> level?  Exclude DNS based balancing please...

vrrp on FreeBSD is supposed to be a free solution to allow machines to
watch each other and take over IP addressing if connectivity is lost.
Depending on how remote your IP blocks are and how much control you have
over the routing equipment in between, your only choice may be a
commercial solution.


I've not used it, and the documentation is currently in French.

The HUT project also has FreeBSD load balancing software for free that is
supposed to function like F5/Alteon/Cisco LB.

I've maintained the Cisco CS 1100 (when it was Arrowpoint) in production.
You could VLAN remote machines into what you want to do on that. I think
that equipment has changed quite a bit though since Cisco bought them and
my experience is over a year old.


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