or the naturally occuring coral that can switch multiple oc-192 at line rate and 
give you accurate counter results ?

> I'm still waiting for the discovery of its natural enemy, the Backhoeiosaur.
> Eric Kuhnke wrote:
> > http://www.msnbc.com/news/954985.asp?0dm=C12MT
> > 
> > Associated Press
> > 
> > Scientists say they have identified an ocean sponge living in the darkness of the 
> > deep sea that grows thin glass fibers capable of transmitting light at least as 
> > well as industrial fiber optic cables used for telecommunication. The natural 
> > glass fibers also are much more flexible than manufactured fiber optic cable that 
> > can crack if bent too far.
> > "YOU CAN ACTUALLY tie a knot in these natural biological fibers and they will not 
> > break -- it's really quite amazing," said Joanna Aizenberg, who led the research 
> > at Bell Laboratories. 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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