The natural enemy in this case would be the filefish or the angelfish who
eat the sponges...

                            Scott C. McGrath

On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, David Meyer wrote:

> >> I'm still waiting for the discovery of its natural enemy, the Backhoeiosaur.
>       All kidding aside, my concern is that it's natural enemy
>       has just found it.
> >> It's such a wonderful example of how exquisite nature is as a
> >> designer and builder of complex systems," said Geri Richmond, a
> >> chemist and materials scientist at the University of Oregon who
> >> wasn't involved in the study.
> >>
> >> "We can draw it on paper and think about engineering it but
> >> we're in the stone age compared to nature," she said.
>       That much seems clear.
>       Dave

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