Communigate Pro is not a Windows mail server... It runs on nearly
everything; and can handle millions of accounts (it has extensive
clustering support).  Check their website: for specs.


On Thu, 4 Sep 2003, Robert Boyle wrote:

> At 11:02 AM 9/4/2003, you wrote:
> >This is my first post so please be gentle.
> >
> >I would like to get some opinions on the Best Mailserver in the Universe.
> >Is there a more appropriate list for this question?
> >
> >I have looked at Communigate Pro, IMAIL, and others.
> >
> >I am interested in integrated solution that can scale to handle 500k
> >accounts
> >
> >Any experience good / bad would be great.
> None of the Windows mail servers listed above or the others such as 
> Mailsite, MDaemon, Merak, etc. are capable of more than 10-20k active 
> users. Forget about 500k with any you have listed. If you want a solid mail 
> server which WILL handle 500k users and will run on Windows and most *nix 
> platforms, look at Surgemail from It is 
> incredibly scalable and VERY fast. It uses a spam assassin-like filter 
> which is written in C so it is at least 20-100 times faster than spam 
> assassin and 95% as effective. It includes support for AVAST anti-virus and 
> the webmail program is powerful, fast, and includes support for PGP. It is 
> an AWESOME product and the support and developers are top notch too. I 
> don't have any vested interest in the company, but I am a very happy 
> customer. (They also make DNews which many people here are probably 
> familiar with)
> -Robert
> Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection
> | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211
> "Good will, like a good name, is got by many actions, and lost by one." - 
> Francis Jeffrey

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