> Robert Bridgham wrote:
> > it runs but even Hotmail.com uses Qmail as it's MTA.  This 
> the one of the
> > leading webmail sites in the world with between 
> 80-100million accounts, and
> > still running strong.  I would definitely put my vote to 
> Qmail for any
> > organization, any size!
> > 
> telnet mx1.hotmail.com 25
> Trying
> Connected to mx1.hotmail.com.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 mc5-f7 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 
> 5.0.2195.5600 ready at 
>   Sat, 6
>   Sep 2003 13:51:52 -0700
> quit
> 221 mc5-f7 Service closing transmission channel
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> I wouldn't recommend it myself, but well... ummm, yeah.
> -Jack

I can't remember the whole story, but when Microsoft
bought hotmail they converted it to exchange server.
if was using qmail.. and that was very stable...


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