> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 10:29:06 -0700 (PDT)
> From: bmanning

> Ick.  you really believe that BGP can or should be augmented to
> understand application "liveness"?   BGP reaching past the

And why not?  BGP deals in reachability information.  Perhaps it
conventionally represents interface and link state, but there is
nothing making that the One True Way.

>From the BGP scanner's perpective, it's just checking another
keepalive.  What generates the keepalive for the route matters
not.  Do you mean that a dead server is just as "up" as a live
server, yet a dead link is not as "up" as a live link?  That's

> router, running a "ps -augx" and then performing applications
> specific tricks?

No need to use gross shell scripts.  Far better means of IPC
exist.  Please read my previous messages.

> I guess that when all you have/understand is a hammer,
> everything becomes a nail.

If you have any specific technical complaints ("not how it's
usually done" doesn't count), I'm all ears.  I'm also open to a
better way; my MUA seems to have truncated the part where you
suggested one. :-)

> Wait...  Its a joke!  you just forgot the :)

No.  It works well, as long as flaps are confined.

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