On Thu, 18 Sep 2003, E.B. Dreger wrote:

: EBD> That's why one uses a daemon with main loop including
: EBD> something like:
: EBD>
: EBD>  success = 0 ;
: EBD>  for ( i = checklist ; i->callback != NULL ; i++ )
: EBD>          success &= i->callback(foo) ;
: EBD>  if ( success )
: EBD>          send_keepalive(via_some_ipc_mechanism) ;
: Eek!
: s,success = 0,success = 1,

Heh.  I'll send you some coffee.

Yes, I hope that UltraDNS implements something like this, if they have not
already.  It's still not a guarantee that things will get withdrawn -- or be
reachable, even if working but not withdrawn -- in case of a problem.  That
still leaves the DNS for a gTLD at risk for a single point of failure.

Maybe I should just chalk this up to history at this point.  I have a
feeling, though, that the head of this thread's archive URL will show up as
a citation some time from now when something else goes wrong with the zone.



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