On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, Adam Hall wrote:
> Anyone know anything about prorviders removing ACLs from their routers to
> allow ports 135/445/4444 back into their network?  Curious only because
> customers are calling in saying that Verizon, Cox, Bellsouth, and DSL.net
> are doing so and seem to have a big problem with the fact that we're
> hesitent follow their lead.

Well, first you would have to find providers willing to say they had ACLs,
then willing to say the ACLs that didn't exist are being removed.

Although 135, 139, 445, etc ACLs still seem to be very wide-spread, they
are not network or service provider wide.  It may vary by region,
provider, wholesale arrangement, etc.  A provider may have some ACLs in
Atlanta, but not in Boston.  Or even in the same city, some circuits may
go through different wholesale arrangements resulting in different ACLs.

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