At 01:55 PM 21/09/2003, Justin Shore wrote:

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Mike Tancsa wrote:

> Yes, this is all too familiar. Luckily it was not so acute for us. The
> porn company in question was using legit credit cards and we knew where
> they were located. We too got to the point where I had to contemplate
> blocking dialups with no ANI as I had already blocked all access from their
> phone numbers. However, once they started doing that I called up their
> office yelling and screaming law suits and I guess they figured there were
> other ISPs that didnt care as much and moved on to them.

I don't know if you did this but if it were me I'd have contacted two
other places.  The first would have been the credit card companies with
the stolen credit cards.

The credit cards in our case were legit. They were different numbers, but they were not stolen.

  They are usuaully fairly responsive when it
comes to them loosing money.  Secondly after I contacted the local police,
state BI, and perhaps the FBI (assuming no luck could be had with any of

I am in Canada, but I know that it has been stated that the FBI will not investigate computer fraud if damage is under $100,000.

I would have given the story to the local media.  There's nothing
like a little bad PR to give law enforcement a little kick in the butt.

I doubt a porn company with international clientele would give a toss about what the local media say.

If your newspapers where you're at are anything like our's, they love to
print a good scandal involving the local government.

Local government has nothing to do with it. It was just some dime a dozen porn company.


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