I don't think anyone holds Matt personally responsible
for what has happened so please remember that when

Verisign has broken everything and unlike the success
of their grandfathered monopoly on registrations this 
might spell the end of their reign over these zones.

This has broken the net, an intense  attack on the
domain name system would probably have had less impact 
than the havoc Verisign has caused with their point
everything to Verisign hack.

I'd think this was very irresponsible behaviour, and
conjures up shades of past ghosts (does anyone remember
CORE?) if I were an oversight authority I'd be very
incredibly pissed off right about now. 

(stupid question) Doesn't the IAB have any authority left? 

It's interesting that now ICANN -- perhaps for the first 
time ever -- might be in the position to do something
positive and prove it's not all about backroom politics.

It's also ironic that someone would have had to spend
years in prison for doing what they've done with or
without notice or malicious intent. 

When people are running around hacking new code into
BIND, several MTAs, and bog knows what else you can't
say you didn't break anything. Throwing up piles of
servers and network equipment to be able to respond to 
garbage IP traffic because you're aiming the world at 
your network isn't particularly intelligent either but 
what do I know about it?


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