On Sat Sep 20, 2003 at 03:28:59PM -0400, Len Rose wrote:
> Verisign has broken everything and unlike the success
> of their grandfathered monopoly on registrations this 
> might spell the end of their reign over these zones.
> This has broken the net, an intense  attack on the
> domain name system would probably have had less impact 
> than the havoc Verisign has caused with their point
> everything to Verisign hack.

Sorry, the Internet is broken, because of this? I can still access the
websites I could access before. I can still send and receive email. I can
still FTP files from FTP servers. To "users" of the Internet, nothing is 

Okay, to Internet "Experts", things are broken - their domain checking scripts
no longer return "domain available" (why not just check whois.internic.net?).
Some spam filtering has stopped working (I've not noticed any increase in the
spam in my inbox). Maybe some other tools are misbehaving, but in general,
all user-level stuff is just working as before.

Not that I condone what Verisign have done - it's an abuse of monopoly as far
as I'm concerned - but I do belive there is a lot of emotion involved in this.


Simon Lockhart          |   Tel: +44 (0)1628 407720 (x37720) | Si fractum 
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