>From: "Austad, Jay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2003/10/09 Thu AM 10:29:25 EDT
>To: "'Howard C. Berkowitz'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: RE: Finding clue at comcast.net
>Comcast's phone support department is the *worst*, WORST, I've ever dealt
>with.  I think they are outsourced, they have to go by a script, and many of
>them probably hardly know what a computer even is.  Once I called because of
>a problem on their network, and I told the person on the phone that there
>was a problem on their network, and I pinned it down to a couple of routers
>where the problem may be, and she responded, very sternly, "Sir, WE DON'T
>In any case, if you manage to get the call escalated a couple of times
>(after lying about rebooting your computer 47 times), you'll get someone
>good.  Also, there are some good people who read this list.  But calling
>their phone support to get anything useful is like trying to squeeze blood
>from a rock.

* You might want to try and Social Engineer this one a little bit. In your other email 
you had mentioned someone in their call center suggesting you call the local cable 
company about the server (or such).

Now I'm not suggesting anyone lie ... or such a thing ... but say you called the local 
office on a cold sales call asking for the person that handles their data networking. 
As you work your way through that try to find out who is the Head Engineer(s). From 
there try to find out who handles the CMTS equipment (Cisco uBR?) equipment in the 
local office Head End, and likely who handles the network including routers and 
switches and such.

You might even try emailing the domain Technical Contact and explain who you are and 
ask them if there is an Engineering or Network Administrative contact for the local 
head end of your city.

Good Luck,

Systems and Network Adminstration

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