On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, Matt wrote:

> >> As far as networking problems, I think most folks on NANOG would agree
> >> that to run a stable network, the network needs to be designed and
> >> operated by a single organization.
>       I guess it depends on your geographic definition of an
> organization.

Perhaps that's where our opinions diverge.  I never meant to imply that
there was any relationship in this matter to geography.  I strongly
believe, however, that everyone with the passwords to the routers report
to the same relatively flat organization (i.e. to find the person in
management who is responsible for the whole thing shouldn't take going all
the way up to the CTO or CEO).

> I think it makes sense especially in larger organizations
> to have a centralized reporting structure and to geographically
> centralize other functions such as network monitoring and ordering.


> However, I don't believe it's often in customers' or an organization's
> best interests to move technical expertise to a national NOC.  I've been
> on both sides of the fence, and there are good examples of organizations
> that maintained a centralized reporting structure while maintaining a
> local market technical base (Mediaone was a good example of that model).

I don't disagree here, but like both of us have said, those technical
bases MUST report up into the same, relatively flat structure.

Brandon Ross                                          AIM:  BrandonNR
                                                      ICQ:  2269442
                                                      Yahoo:  BrandonNRoss

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