On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 12:01:49 PDT, Etaoin Shrdlu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:
>  Do you mean them? Am I a business (you don't know the answer to that,
>  trust me)? Do I represent one (you don't know the answer to that one,
>  either)?

Heck, some days I don't even know if *I* am a business or not.  We get to
straddle the line between "IT/networking for a $400M/yr organization" and
"ISP for 30-80K users" (depending how you count) and a few other things.

> sounds like you have a solution looking for a problem. There is no such
> thing as "informed consumers of internet services," at least not in any
> reality I inhabit. YMMV, HTH, HAND. 

A case could be made that the lack of such informed consumers is part of the
reason we're having the concurrent "block all servers" thread.  On the other hand,
a forum isn't the solution there.  We collectively decided that letting unclued Joe 
get connected for $19.95/mo was a good idea, and we're stuck with it (though
if anybody gets a workable way to charge $24.95/mo for a "premier secure" filtered
service I'll not fight it unless they flagrantly break truth-in-advertising laws. ;)

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