On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> P.S.  Note to other - this thread may have happened  because of recent
> thread on layer42 on inet-access mail list. While I generally answer
> accusations, I'm not the one who starts such threads and do not think its
> approriate for nanog mail list, so this will be my only message here.

I think you've made plenty of accusations without basis, so to quote
Richard Cox "Then you would appear to have a circular argument to contend

Don't go around accusing people of malfeasance if you're not prepared to
be confronted with your own wrongdoing (IE your own hijacked blocks), or
to face the criticism of others when you're wrong.

I generally try to stay out of these types of arguements, but I think that
you should probably focus your efforts on something more productive than
defaming other ISPs.

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