On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 11:34:18 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  said:
> > There are still numerous networks blocking 69/8.  Probably more blocking 
> > 70/8 as most of the people who were behind the times with their filters 
> > blocking 69/8 fixed that /8 but still don't keep their filters up to date.
> > 
> > http://69box.atlantic.net/cgi-bin/bogon
> Can an early adopter of 70/8 please give Jon an address? :)

I was actually going to suggest that, but I've been pretty busy lately and 
can't guarantee how fast I'd get it setup and testing.  If someone did 
want to lend me a small chunk of 70/8 (whatever minimum size might make it 
through most prefix length filters) I would have no problem with making a 
"70box" interface on 69box and testing reachability to the hosts checked 
when 69box was setup.

Alternatively, the RIRs might consider doing this sort of thing before
allocating IPs from new blocks.  I know it's not their job to make sure
IPs are routable (especially not on every remote network), but as holders
of all the IPs, they are in the best position to setup such test sites
that would expose problems before they're dumped on members.  The only
slightly tricky part is coming up with a large population of remote IPs to
test for reachability.

Or, perhaps IANA could even do this before assigning an IP block to an 

If either type of the above orgs wants to do this, I'm sure people from
the community would be willing to help out if they don't have or don't 
want to dedicate staff to this type of project.  It could be left to the 
community (or those who have been allocated or expect to be allocated 
IPs from these blocks) to try to notify broken networks about their 
outdated filters.  I know from my own experience with it, that it's a pain 
to do since it's not always clear who to contact, and even when you get 
the right contact, they may not understand/care about the problem.

 Jon Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |  
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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