> On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 11:34:18 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  said:
> > 
> > > There are still numerous networks blocking 69/8.  Probably more blocking 
> > > 70/8 as most of the people who were behind the times with their filters 
> > > blocking 69/8 fixed that /8 but still don't keep their filters up to date.
> ... 
> Or, perhaps IANA could even do this before assigning an IP block to an 
> RIR.

Of course, if they tried to run the test *before* assigning the
block, it should fail, because it should still be in everyone's
bogon filters.  ^_^

So, the test has to happen *after* the assignment has been
made and announced, so that people have time to update
their bogon filters.  It would also require that the RIR
to whom the block has been assigned arrange with their
upstream to have the test block routed; perhaps they could
use the top block from the new assignment for the test
subnet, and then begin assigning from the bottom; hopefully
by the time any substantial portion of the space has been
allocated, the need for the test subnet will have passed,
and the block can be used as part of the normal allocation
and assigned as appropriate (would kinda suck to be given
the last assignment from the block, only to be told that
"sorry, your last /24 is actually routed by the RIR, so
you come up 1 /24 short of what you expected.  ;-)

Just some random thoughts on the matter--but it *does*
sound like a good idea.


> If either type of the above orgs wants to do this, I'm sure people from
> the community would be willing to help out if they don't have or don't 
> want to dedicate staff to this type of project.  It could be left to the 
> community (or those who have been allocated or expect to be allocated 
> IPs from these blocks) to try to notify broken networks about their 
> outdated filters.  I know from my own experience with it, that it's a pain 
> to do since it's not always clear who to contact, and even when you get 
> the right contact, they may not understand/care about the problem.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Jon Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  I route
>  Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
>  Atlantic Net                |  
> _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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