Petri Helenius wrote:


It's those dang Nachi-sized ICMP echo/echo-replies. We block those at all our transit points and dial-up ports. Nachi was killing our cisco access-servers until we did this to stop the spread.

I know what they are and how to get around them. I just look down on people
dropping my packets in their backbones without reason.

He has a reason: that virus was melting down his network (and was melting down lots of networks).

If viruses came with instructions, documentation, and source code, we could all rest assured that it did completely self-destruct this month. Instead, we're all watching in wait, and leaving filters handy or in place.

(I'd mention the Nachi filtering I had to do and the implications of how I had to do it based on the platform I'm using, but my flamesuit is all tattered just trying to find a safe tool to read my mail.)


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