>Alternatively, the RIRs might consider doing this sort of thing before
>allocating IPs from new blocks.  I know it's not their job to make sure
>IPs are routable (especially not on every remote network), but as holders
>of all the IPs, they are in the best position to setup such test sites
>that would expose problems before they're dumped on members.

And it would be nice if the RIRs funded and supported the
bogon project that Cymru is running now. Now that the
self-organizing RIRs have reached the stage where they 
have all signed a joint agreement, perhaps they could
consider running some joint projects like these?

In the interim, perhaps you could shift this address
range testing under the Cymru banner? This would make it
more likely that people will hear about it because the
bogon project is beginning to get some notoriety.

>Or, perhaps IANA could even do this before assigning an IP block to an 

IANA no longer exists.

It's true that the DoC has a contract with ICANN under which ICANN
performs the former IANA functions but it is a mistake to
assume that there is even a single vestige of an IANA organization
that can think or do anything that is not already on its 
list of daily activities.

--Michael Dillon

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