[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("David Monosov") writes:

> ...
> Root servers, and the .net, .com (as well as .org) domains belong to the
> world now; Welcome to the global democracy, brought to you by the ability
> to send packets across the globe at the speed of light. We all rely on
> them, and their management should be done in a way appropriate for their
> status.

i tend to agree that there is a conflict of interest between the commercial
providers in this sector and both (a) their own customers, as well as (b) the
outside community of interest.  and...

> There are many capable organizations worldwide which could assume such a
> task. ISC (previously mentioned in this context) would indeed be a fine
> choice as it has proven itself to be reliable and politically independent
> over time.

thank you, on behalf of isc and our board, for your respectful words.  but...

> ... Power is a dangerous thing, especially in the wrong hands.

power is dangerous thing, in any small set of hands.  diversity in all things!
Paul Vixie

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