On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, John Kinsella wrote:

> > > When are they up for renewal exactly?
> > November 10, 2007, according
> Any way to speed that up? ;)


"16. Termination
 B. In the event of termination by DOC of its Cooperative Agreement with 
Registry Operator pursuant to Section 1.B.8 of Amendment ___ to that 
Agreement, ICANN shall, after receiving express notification of that fact 
from DOC and a request from DOC to terminate Registry Operator as the 
operator of the Registry TLD, terminate Registry Operator's rights under 
this Agreement, and shall cooperate with DOC to facilitate the transfer of 
the operation of the Registry Database to a successor registry

 C. This Agreement may also be terminated in the by ICANN on written 
notice given at least forty days after the final and nonappealable 
occurrence of either of the following events:
(i) Registry Operator:
 (a) is convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of a felony or other 
 serious offense related to financial activities, or is the subject of a 
 determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that ICANN reasonably 
 deems as the substantive equivalent of those offenses ; or
 (b) is disciplined by the government of its domicile for conduct involving 
 dishonesty or misuse of funds of others
ii) Any officer or director of Registry Operator is convicted of a felony 
 or of a misdemeanor related to financial activities, or is judged by a 
 court to have committed fraud or breach of fiduciary duty, or is the 
 subject of a judicial determination that ICANN deems as the substantive 
 equivalent of any of these"

So all we need to do is either lobby us government (get to your senator or 
congressman; and before Verisign starts lobbying him directly) or get federal
courts to convict the people at Verisign responsible for all this mess.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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