----- Original Message ----- 
From: "william(at)elan.net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "John Obi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 3:42 AM
Subject: Re: UUNet Offer New Protection Against DDoS

> On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, John Obi wrote:
> > Hello Nanogers!
> >
> > I'm happy to see this, and I hope C&W, Verio, and Level3 will do the
> > http://informationweek.securitypipeline.com/news/18201396
> "MCI/WorldCom Monday unveiled a new service level agreement (SLA) to help
>  IP services customers thwart and defend against Internet viruses and

--- snippety snip ---

> Blah, blah, blah.... I would say this is a lot more like a self-ad then
> press-release of new service. UUNET already responded within 15 minutes
> or less to DoS attacks, at least this is what it was several years ago.
> Possibly this changed when they went ch11 and now they are just trying to
> get back to normal. But I would not say that this is anything "special".
> Of course, I would be happy to see others say the same too in their SLA,
> how about that they simply would just RESPOND in 15 minute to customer
> (And actually one of my upstreams does exactly that they respond and have
>  in their SLA. And they usually respond within 1-3 minutes and not only do
>  I not have to call them, but they actually call me if the link is down or
>  if there is serious congestion on it. Quite a a bit overzellous

agreed, not very spectacular. in fact, i expect most ddos attack issues to
be *resolved* within 15 minutes, for reasonable values of 'most' and
'resolved'. i would probably be very dissatisfied if i could not get to a
warm, clueful and enabled body in under 10 minutes in an emergency, but then
we are a reasonably large customer of a good smaller carrier so my
expectations may be invalid in big boy customer land.


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