The key here is that it is part of the SLA.  Customers are elligible for credit
based on outages depending on the circumstance.  In the past this was only telco
and backbone related outages.  Therefore, depending on the nature of the attack
and the cooperation of the customer, they ~may~ be elligible for partial credit.

[Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 12:42:05AM -0800]
william(at) Inscribed these words...

> On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, John Obi wrote:
> > Hello Nanogers!
> >  
> > I'm happy to see this, and I hope C&W, Verio, and Level3 will do the same!
> >
> "MCI/WorldCom Monday unveiled a new service level agreement (SLA) to help 
>  IP services customers thwart and defend against Internet viruses and threats. 
>  The new SLA is focused on Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and is extended 
>  immediately for free to all current customers of the telecommunications 
>  company, according to MCI. It ensures that all MCI Internet customers will 
>  have immediate access to the company's security staff to help them rapidly 
>  address and mitigate DoS attacks
>  According to Santarelli, MCI will guarantee a response to suspected DoS 
>  attacks within 15 minutes of a customer-generated trouble-ticket through 
>  MCI Customer Support"
> Blah, blah, blah.... I would say this is a lot more like a self-ad then 
> press-release of new service. UUNET already responded within 15 minutes 
> or less to DoS attacks, at least this is what it was several years ago. 
> Possibly this changed when they went ch11 and now they are just trying to 
> get back to normal. But I would not say that this is anything "special". 
> Of course, I would be happy to see others say the same too in their SLA, but
> how about that they simply would just RESPOND in 15 minute to customer request.
> (And actually one of my upstreams does exactly that they respond and have that
>  in their SLA. And they usually respond within 1-3 minutes and not only do 
>  I not have to call them, but they actually call me if the link is down or 
>  if there is serious congestion on it. Quite a a bit overzellous actually!)
> -- 
> William Leibzon
> Elan Networks


Stephen (routerg)

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