On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 12:40:18AM -0500, Sean Donelan wrote:
> > No. The work you've done is expected of you, as a good Internetwork
> > neighbour.
> > If you're not a good neighbour, next time you need my help, or the help
> > of anyone else I know, please expect the finger.
> But I keep trying to do good work; and you keep giving me the finger.  Why
> should I keep trying to do good work?  Remember it works both ways.

No I don't! You're a good Internet Neighbour. If I can expect you to do
the right thing, you can expect it of me. And if I don't, you give me
the finger instead. But don't give it to everyone, as a side of effect
of wanting to just flip me off.

Avleen Vig
Systems Administrator
Personal: www.silverwraith.com
EFnet:    irc.mindspring.com (Earthlink user access only)

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